Encompassing Direction
Introducing BeeaGlee
BeeaGlee© is a medium for exploration and expression for a healing world. We are in the process of developing a community that supports a glee-filled life through scientific, artistic and spiritual exploration and expression.
Our mission is exploring life – expressing life – resulting in a happy, rich life with improved health. Creating novel projects and communications between people in real-time, we look to building a community that joyfully connects us through science, art and spiritual experiences.
Acting as a catalyst for change, we believe there is a new way of living life with BeeaGlee as a vital means to good health. Our focus is:
• Scientific exploration and expression with an emphasis on genomics
• Artistic exploration and expression with an emphasis on creativity
• Spiritual-energetic modalities to explore and express healthier life styles
Marketing / Communications
VERISCOMM provides encompassing direction in the areas marketing operations and corporate communications. The team is dedicated to brand-focused digital, virtual and traditional marketing services. Our initiatives range from strategic planning, market research to complex multi-channel program design and execution. Experienced in both regulatory/compliant and new technology and product development settings, we are well versed in supporting your internal processes and global goals.
From the executive suite to the design studio, we tailor our approach to your corporate culture because we have extensive hands-on experience in global corporate operations and best practice/quality systems.
Expertise includes traditional and virtual events, digital media, medical education and sales support initiatives.
Quantum Branding
Reaching for new ways to communicate your brand? VERISCOMM’s novel scientific-based process called Quantum Brand Formulation© (QBF) will give you a 360 degree view of your business. This stand-alone approach combines seven critical elements for core identity and true value determination that provides you with a one-of-a-kind brand strategy that separates you from the pack.
Proven to be highly efficient and accurate for lean biotech, start-ups, entrepreneurs, artisans and established brands looking to own a unique space in the minds of stakeholders.